Friday, February 19, 2010
I Have Tried So Hard To Tell Myself That You Are Gone,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
WarM mE wIth YouR hEat...
The effects that you create
Have imprinted in my heart
The aura that you diffuse
Freshens my breathe till last
My yearnings rise to the star
Wanting to touch the sky
For every caress of yours
Makes me want to let out cry
Life is nothing more than a test
Every Morning i Think ....
Im BleSsed SilENtly...
Silently my prayers are answered
A bless in disguise you appeared
Showering the rays of hope
Gathering my joys that are shattered
My crushed life laying beneath me
Yet i managed to inhale heavily
My heart shines with my tears
My soul found its mate so heavenly
If I CouLD RewInD mY lIFe...
The streaming caused by my tears
Suffocates my throat though words are near
Holding my breathe to stop its flow
Dying to talk but phrases refuse to go
Coccoon myself in the worse nightmare
Scar in my heart is opening wide
Lying in sweat with shuffled hair
Silence of this night I gasp for air
I aM NoT FaR...
'I love u' is what i said
And i mean it from first day
The comfort you gave me then
Will brighten my life every way
Forgetting you i will never do
Wanting you i always show
Needing you is what i crave
Leaving you i never know
Before u met me, u were sad, iw as happy,

Before u met me, u were sad, iw as happy, then i gave u my smile , and took away ur sadness,
If I Could Be Anything I Would Be Your Tear
Happy Birthday to YOU :-)
Happy birthday my love, I'm sorry I'm not there.
I promise, though far away, I really do care.
Happy birthday to you, my day and my night.
For you, I would capture all the star light.
Happy birthday to you, my friend, my life.
They say memories last forever

Hurt Me Again
The fairy tales
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My Dying Hope

You used to be mine, but in my stupidity, we end up there. I regret those times, but I had nothing to do for it. I just hope and wait for you to come back. But yet I saw you with her. Right away I loose it all, I never bother to wait for you, I taught myself to forget you though it kills me so hard. From the time I saw myself contented of not having you in my life, destiny played me so bad. You came in my way again, begging for my help. With tears behind my eyes I accept your hand waiting for me to hold. From the day I started to ease your pain I know how much I would regret after all. But yet I never mind, as long as I could help you in any way.
Things Without You

I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, I was dreaming, for her I was Feeling, so I had to take a little ride, back tracking over these few years, trying figure out what I do to make it go bad, cause Ever since my girl left me, my whole life came crashing Can't believe I had a girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put you through you still stuck.
nowhere to be found. I keep my eyes peeled Read more...
A Dark Corner
★ §omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While..... ★ ★ §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True: §omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Our Dreams

As I look back on all that's happened.. growing up,growing together, changing you, changing me -- there were times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I
gone forever.. and whatever the future holds, our today's make the memories of
tomorrow. So, my lifetime friend, it is with all my heart that
I never knew love was until i met you. I never expected changes in my life. You were different from those guys i used to mingle with. You know how people got to have first love.... It is in you where i felt true love. I felt so much for you. And if ever that i could put back time. I would do so, the time wherein we were still together sharing great moments but unfortunately i cant.
Im AlwAys TheRe ...
Do not ever feel lonely
Hard times come and go
I'm always there for thee
This, nobody will ever know
If my thoughts could express out
They'll protect you day by day
What i promise is not mere words
For my soul has reached your bay
My valentine gift from My Princess :]
Even if you were not mine,
I'd want you as my valentine.
You are special it's plain to see,
I'm overwhelmed that you're with me.
You are my life, my love, my all,
it's because of you that I stand tall.
I'm proud to have you by my side,
You revived my heart that once had died.
PleSe Don'T leAve Me AloNe...
Sitting on the sky waving to me
Bowing to Lord wishing him to see
You are killed along with my soul
Oh my darling, don’t leave me alone
Hardly had we met, we fell in love
But you are snatched away to fly above
The comforts you give still warm my corpse
Without you on this earth, my pain is worse
Had I nOt Met YoU...
Had you not passed by
To shake my tranquil world
There would be no hurricane
Caused within my soul
Had you not seen me
Our gazes would never meet
There would be no tears
That would drench my sheet
WhAt Is My WorTh?
It seems to me you never cared
When I need you, you are never there
But each time I want to clear my doubt
The contrary I get leads me nowhere
Don’t I deserve to fulfill my queries?
Is that so hard for you to bear?
Why do I see only frowns on your face?
As your lover, i feel this is unfair!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
NobOdy KnoWs How MucH I LovE yOu...
This smile that i have worn
Symbolizes that i'm torn
It was once real to me
The first time at you i see
These tears i'm shedding
Are the memories you gave in
Silently i collected them
During the days we were cherishing
It AlwAys HurTs For Me To KnoW....
It always hurts for me to know
For what I did I never know so
In loving you my pace is slow
In memories space, I have much more
It always hurts for me to know
The desires for you had been killed
My wish is empty I am not greedy
Coz all I need is your love fulfilled
EacH NigHt I SeaRch For You...
Alone i stay on silent nights
Terrifying with my own feelings
I weep my brutal tears
I dread when demon’s smiling
I try not to divert my path
Since that is chosen for me
But I stumble on the thorns
Which blindfolded me to see
You WilL nEveR uNdeRstAnD...
I don’t ever belong here
I’m so naive and clean
Those are my traces - then
Why are you so mean?
I smile broadly at everyone
But I cry within alone
I know I’m a good pretender
Right from my blood to my bone
It Has CoMe TO an End...
My journey has come to an end
No one to search me more
My flesh you’ll find in tatters
My soul will disappear to the core
My destiny has been written
It has only you and me
But you have crushed it flat
No shape can i actually see