The effects that you create
Have imprinted in my heart
The aura that you diffuse
Freshens my breathe till last
My yearnings rise to the star
Wanting to touch the sky
For every caress of yours
Makes me want to let out cry
Sunday, February 14, 2010
WarM mE wIth YouR hEat...
Life is nothing more than a test
Every Morning i Think ....
Im BleSsed SilENtly...
Silently my prayers are answered
A bless in disguise you appeared
Showering the rays of hope
Gathering my joys that are shattered
My crushed life laying beneath me
Yet i managed to inhale heavily
My heart shines with my tears
My soul found its mate so heavenly
If I CouLD RewInD mY lIFe...
The streaming caused by my tears
Suffocates my throat though words are near
Holding my breathe to stop its flow
Dying to talk but phrases refuse to go
Coccoon myself in the worse nightmare
Scar in my heart is opening wide
Lying in sweat with shuffled hair
Silence of this night I gasp for air
I aM NoT FaR...
'I love u' is what i said
And i mean it from first day
The comfort you gave me then
Will brighten my life every way
Forgetting you i will never do
Wanting you i always show
Needing you is what i crave
Leaving you i never know