Crying for you like a bleeding bird
How much ever I try to prove
You neither listened or like to be heard
All the doubts hanging in me
Are just the unanswered questions
Wanting to clear them to be free
To walk with you till the end
The voice in my heart says
My love is unreciprocated
The silent form of my soul displays
My love is never understood
If my life has a reverse button
I would press it a thousand times
Helas! Life has no such thing
To not claim you as mine!
When do i feel right?
When you kissed me tight
When do I sleep blissful at night?
When your love take away my fright
Why do I realize I’m feeling down?
When you play with my heart around!
What use could it bring to you?
When it is already broken with no sound
I turn helpless when think of this!
There’s nothing I can do
Wanting to make the wrong seems right
But nothing seems to pass through
If heaven falls or hell rises?
Waves roar or wind blew?
Child cries or birds fight?
Don’t blame me for loving you
Your presence in my life
Is a gift I never asked
Your journeys in my dreams
The sleep I wish to ever last
Throat blocked to the core
Frightened of what i see
The scar you created so deep
Knocked me down weak-kneed
The struggle I went thru
Left me sleepless nights
Pillow drenched in tears
When you are not in sight
Is there a wonder in ur mind ?
That you mean the world to me
There’s a cry from inner soul
It misses you with melancholy
Sitting for hours gaping in thin air
To hear a word from you
When it escapes your mind
I wonder if you miss me too
On this chilly christmas eve
Biting cold freezing my bone
Shuffles my hair by cruel wind
Tears rushing down my cheeks are torn
Your promises those remain precious
Never left my mind a second
As time passes into years
Till the day my life ends
My eyes are exhausted
I have no tears inside
Every drop has dried down
I know no more to cry
My heart is shrunk away
Blood flow had stopped its flow
The corposels have blocked the path
It stopped to produce more
My heart is heavy with pain
Ignored by you again & again
Striving to prove myself here
How my love for you is crystal clear
One thing I never force myself
But happiness is what I get within
The unfold desires that crop up
When think of you inch by inch
When my dark nights are hollow
You were the only soul who walked-in
When my arms stretched out to you
You embraced me lovingly within
Whispering the sweet little nothings
When I bend my head to listen
You make me feel so very special
Do I deserve that much I felt?
Wanting to shriek
Wanting to die
Beaten & bruised
Alone I cry
Who’s to blame?
They say my name
My only wish
Is cut my wrist
Enveloped by the mist of love
Nothing else is clear to me
Often I hit the earth like a thud
But no harm occurs to memories
I thought I have no more existence
Until you promised to give me a name
But why death keeps crossing my mind?
When all you said is not a game!
Last year when we had met
That's the day I never forget
The nights that we have shared
Made me learn you were rare
Very hard to beleive I met you
But it's the fact and it's true
It was love from my very end
Along with love came our passions
Helas! things took it's bend
Day by day my love was abandoned
I only survive to make you happy
But why do you make me feel crappy?
Are wise words lingering me?
Telling me what’s right & wrong
But this heart of mine refuses
And prevents me from being strong
Despite of being captured in love
Considering this state of mind
Wondering why my love is so deep
As deep that makes me blind
You are an illusion to me
A faceless lover you are to be
The gap that separates us
Approaches in vain without thee
Now that I found you
Still the vision I have is flu
Don’t know if you exist
My birth was never insisted
Can’t you see my heart bleeds?
By the crush of your words
As many times you repeat
Because You feel I’m not worth
The soft and innocent heart of mine
Is now frozen like cold ice
The fear you see inside
Is same as yours when you realized
If our hearts do not meet
I would go my own way
Never would you cross my path
Would our souls intertwine what may?
If our eyes do not meet
There would never be sparkling
That would burn me alive
And make them weeping
Tears falling burning my cheeks
Lonely soul crying out your name
Drenching the path to my heart
Where my love remains the same
My chest heaved with pain
Taking my breaths away
Can you heal it again?
Before I lose myself astray
Death is a door from me
If I want to forget this ache
Yet I can’t open the door
Bearing my love is at stake
My mouth shuts tight
But my heart only cries
My soul screams inside
Unexpressed feelings that hide
My words are unclear
Difficult for me to talk
They try to escape out
Vocal-chord blocks its path
No one loves you like i do
That’s what nature assumes it too
I will please you for my happiness
With a word, a hug and a kiss
I thought I understand you fully
Trying to weigh your unspoken
But I tend to make mistakes - Thus
Every time I turn to you to repent
I am so sorry I am doing this to you.
I don't mean to put you through the pain I am putting your though.
I have more than just feelings for you .
I am in love with you.
I started to cry tonight.
When I realized you might walk out of my life.
The tears of pain streamed down my face.
I guess God is trying to put me in my place.
Without any regret
I would die for you
If it is in your arms
I’d be blessed life thru’
Before closing my eyes
It’s your eyes I wish to see
If this wish comes true
Need not see heaven too!
Naivety or purity don’t exist
In this vast fake world
Searching for my identity
S’times replaced by cruel role
Pretending all is fine
While dying inside me
Struggling to see you in joy
Murdering myself for you freely
Each time you kill me alive
On hearing your painful snobs
The loneliness in your words
Make me lose all hopes
The love I have for you
Isn’t it visible to you?
Willing to walk on fire
Willing to cross seven seas too
Through lonely tears and smile
I lay my life for you online
You gifted me good times
And the pain you left me pine
You are so near, yet so far
Spirited me wherever you are
Tales you related me deeply
Good are less Bad are many
The moment i set my eyes
Nothing seems alright
I see you when they shut
Even when they are bright
My feelings are drilled so deep
Your voice lingers when I sleep
My breathe counts inch by inch
To match my dreams exist within
(A gift...)
I miss you
It's all I have to say
You're missing
I thought it better that way
But it kills me
And I can't fight this reliance
I'm drowning here
Amid this sick, strange silence
I need you
To tell you what I feel
To hear you
And remember what is real
Never knew the mistake
Which i blindly make
It trips me to make me fall
Bombards me back like a ball
Promised myself no error
But each time I see same horror
The mistake dominates me strong
In front of it I become wrong
My smiles became my tears
For deep in my heart i have a fear
Each time you appear for a second
All times you vanish for years
I laughed weeping hard
Wanting a place in your heart
But when I turn around
I am dumbfounded by lonely sound
Confided you my heart
The empty destination
It has never been used
Since its lonely hibernation
Wherever I am in this universe
My love will remain the same
No storm can fade it out
No one can remove its name
My world filled with dreams
Embraces me to its bosom
No gift it could grant me
No flower in its garden blossoms
It makes me smile without reason
It makes me shed tears brutally
But when I want to forget reality
My tears and smiles make me empty
Though seven seas seperate us,
And distance keeps us apart
Will there be a change?
The love inside my heart
I survive every second for you
Every minute of the day.
And you’re always with me
In at least a thousand ways
At every sunset my tears flow
Bearing in mind the days that go
Without you to sing lullaby
Not worth to watch the sunrise
No glory from paradise’s light
Will ever open my eyes
My feelings sleep in yellow horizons
My memories know no darkness in the nights
My life has no sunshine
Once you walk away
No joy but counterfeited glee
All my efforts have gone astray
One should ever blame me
For having looked upon the star
Only when it strikes down to kill
Now I realized I’m too far
Unsaid feelings, deep in my heart
Dunno how to end or where to start
Each time I wanna let the words out
It seals my mouth to where about
Unsaid feelings, deep in my heart
Piercing me deep, like a sharp dart
It traps me shut, in this prison
Wanting to express, words had not risen
My passion and addiction
No drug can make me spin
To accelerate my dreams alive
The day my love brightly shines
The universe I live in
Cold wanting you to hold
If you drop me like a hot coal
The love I store will turn me into gold
Life goes on but things remain
No reasons but you live in pain
Unforgettable moments sustain
Hopes built-up but in vain
Time heals certain wounds
Memories are imprinted dark
When you try to forget
They make your love lasts
People you possess in you
Are people who make you cry
Yet you can’t let them go
Coz you never want to try
At times i wonder for long
That if you realize that strong
If you would take me seriously
When I say I love you sincerely
At times I wonder for long
That if you realize that strong
For you all I would dare
Just because I really care
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