Saturday, January 23, 2010
Things WithOut You...
My DivIne LoVe...
All my life forever
I want to stay by your side
You are my ultimate soul-mate
Like the moon goes as the star guides
If the Almighty let me live
To enjoy your share & your care
There’s nothing I cannot do
Even if I have to go anywhere
I’ll shadow your sunlit face
Will forever sooth your fear
I’ll color up your world
I’ll try to hold your tear
I’ll remind you life long
That my love is sincere and true
Till I breathe the very last
My divine love is you
Why Do My LovE huRt?
I’m on cloud nine when hear you
Will I be able to see your face?
You never know how I felt
Wherever I see, is only your trace
Bearing every pain to hear you talk
My ribs vibrate pretending I’m strong
The sincere affection in your voice
Hinted that my love is never wrong
The air is tough to inhale
Your smell drives me insane
Every small thing I do
You drench me like heavy rain
This wound time can never heal
This scar is as deep as blue sea
To my eyes it seems likely
My love for you will die royally
ReFleCtiOn oF My SouL...
If my soul is transparent
It would reflect my heart
You can then know my desires
The desires more beautiful than art
My head filled with your thoughts
Helas! my thoughts you can't see
If ever that is possible
You will know what you are to me
I know one thing is impossible
You too know it's true
That you are my ideal love
None can deny this too
My days filled with hopes
My nights increase them more
That you will love me like i do
God has this for me in store
The Real Love
Wo Chand
Ek Shahks Tha Jo Muj se Bicher Gaya, Ankhon Ko Meri Mosam-e-Barsaat Soonp Kar
Walking Out
Watching you walk out of my life hasn't made me bitter or cynical about love, but rather,
it has shown me that if I wanted so badly to be with the wrong person, how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.
Forever Love =)