Cant hide the tears i shed
They reflect my feelings inside
The pains borns from it
They kill me when i'm alive
My life shrinks down everyday
There's nothing left to say
If there be a magic to take me away
So that i can be happy my way
Everything around me is a fake
I have no decisions to make
This is the naseeb i take
Whether it's right or a mistake
I don't belong to this place
My absence will not affect the near
But I know deep inside my heart
Someone will shed for me a tear
Clinging to him like a child
Tightly fearing she will fall
Scared to ever lose him
Her heart flies at every call
Though someone claims her
This he always knew
But what he meant to her
He does not know that it is true
Finding tough to open up
His feelings he cannot show
Leaving her in mere darkness
Don’t know where to place her fingers so
Near in hearts tho’ miles apart
Hand in hand in wild imaginations
Protecting her from all her pains
Saying his love is never a game
Every little thing you do
Makes me love you more
The little smile & little tears
Caused only by you, I know!
When you listen to me
My heart pounds so fast
When you assure me in pain
I wish this would always last
The way you hurt me often
I wished to die instantly
But when you come back
Made me feel heavenly
I always accept who you are
For being the natural you
Not for the way you love me
But for the way it is true