-♥ - Ñàám Ťē®ă Łě ĶëŘ ÇΉąŁ ŖąΗı Ηǻï ŠǎǍşèîŅ ǺǻĴå Ķé ĬňΤëéžǍŗ ŤěŘă ĶëŘ ŘåĤī Ħãî ĄńĶħÂıŅ Åşă Ņá Ĥō Ŧŭ âÿą Åũŗ ŽĩŅĐăĢĭ ĐǻшαЙ ςнδĐ ĎėŸ˛ ραŁ Ďŏ ρǎŁ Ќǐ мεНмдǻЙ ЯзΉа ĢαҮΐ Ήǎǐ мεѓΐ ŠάåšέłЛ -♥-
Thursday, November 5, 2009
-♥ - Ñàám Ťē®ă Łě ĶëŘ ÇΉąŁ ŖąΗı Ηǻï ŠǎǍşèîŅ ǺǻĴå Ķé ĬňΤëéžǍŗ ŤěŘă ĶëŘ ŘåĤī Ħãî ĄńĶħÂıŅ Åşă Ņá Ĥō Ŧŭ âÿą Åũŗ ŽĩŅĐăĢĭ ĐǻшαЙ ςнδĐ ĎėŸ˛ ραŁ Ďŏ ρǎŁ Ќǐ мεНмдǻЙ ЯзΉа ĢαҮΐ Ήǎǐ мεѓΐ ŠάåšέłЛ -♥-
If you're thinking of me, you have to let me know, 'cause loneliness is such a waste
In my heart, there is a home where you'll never feel alone. In my hands, you'll find a shelter; Babe, I promise never to falter
Love hurts when you know that it will never come true
Anyone who's never been hurt in love is either very lucky or very lonely
How blue can I get, you could ask my heart. Just like a jugsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart. A million words couldn't say just how I feel. A million years from now, you know, I'll be loving you still. The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had. And I'm missing you and nobody knows it but me
If the moon never came out and the stars did not shine, it would be one lonely world ... just as would the heart and soul without love.
If you ever leave me, I'm begging you, take me with you
For when a woman is left too much alone, sooner or later she begins to think;- And no man knows what then she may discover”
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me, the touch of your hand says you will catch me whenever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all
The time we spend apart will make our love grow stronger, but it hurts so bad, I can't take it any longer. I wanna grow old with you, I wanna die lying in your arms, I wanna grow old with you, I want be looking in your eyes, I wanna be there for you, sharing in everything you do ... I wanna grow old with you

I WaLk3d aLon3 AgaiN.UpOn MiDnIGhT HoUr.YoU CaMe UpOn Th3 SuMm3r SuN, Br3aThiNg Th3 WiNdS oF y3sTerDaY Hop3 AnD ToMoRrOwS Dr3aMs.Part3d Th3 WaLLs,AnD sLiPp3D in Lik3 A Thi3f Of The NiGht.i G3nTly Smil3d An ShUtT3r3d A T3ar. YoUr VoIc3 CaLm3d My f3aRs, AnD Gentl3D My SouL.sLoWlY AnD Grac3fuLLy YoU DiSsApP3ar.My NiGhTs Ar3 CoLd and cL3aR.y3t Sh3LL i Cry a T3ar Of LoVe,Or Cov3r iT WiTh A GrUdGe.i b3l3ive Th3 QuEstiOnS Was cL3aR.YoU s33 ThAt MiL3s Ar3 For3v3r UnR3aL.And i aM ThE On3 ThaT F33Ls YoUr Lov3 WaS So R3aL. i WaLk3d aLoN3 AgAin UpOn Th3 MidNiGhT HoUr.My MiNd WaS Cl3aR.i F3lt No PaIn.noR DiD i f33L Th3 Lov3 YoU Onc3 sHaR3D.I H3arD YoUr CrYs AnD FeLt YoUr PaIn,Y3T YoU pLaY3D Th3 Gam3.My H3arT WaS NoT YoUrS.To TaK3.iGaV3 iT UnCoNtiOnaLly,AnD My SouL Was SoOn To FoLLoW.As AnG3r WaS To FoLLoW.ThOuGh iT WaS Hard To ShoLLoW.i FoUGhT DoWn Th3 No.WiP3D AwAy a miSpLaC3 T3ar,WiTh A SmiL3.Bow3D mY H3aD AnD Gav3 YoU a SiMpL3 Y3S. Th3 Lov3 I HaV3 Is MiNe To K33p.YoU Gav3 iT Back To Me.N3v3r ThiNkiN WhaT iTs LiK3 FoR
GoD WiLL YoU L3T H3r KnOw ThAt I Lov3 H3r So Wh3n Th3r3`S no One3 Th3r3 ThaT Sh3`s NoT aLon3? JuSt cLos3 H3r 3y3S AnD L3T H3r KnOw My H3arT Is B3aTinG WitH H3rS
ppL WaLl By LiK3 i'm Not EvEn Th3r3 to Se3 Ev3ryOn3 So HaPpy BuT NoT M3 wHy MusT i Fe3l ThIs it wHy aNyOn3 TaLk To M3 wHy Do Th3y Hat3 i JusT WanT a Fri3nd ThaT i Can TalK To AnD Smil3 aT M3 BuT NoT EvEn ThaT i Can HaVe I WalK EnDLeSs Wond3r wHy I'm sTiLL aLive But I'm NoT i LooK aRoUnD To SeE DarKnEsS AroUnd M3 HoLding Me DoWn SoMeTiMe i HeAr VoiCe TeLLing Me I'm NoThing That No On3 wOULd LoVe Me ThaTs wHy Im aLoNe.Iz ThIs ReaL i DoNt KnOw AnY MoRe i CaN EvErY OnE LoOkin aT Me LiKe I Was WeiRd BuT I'm NoT I'm JusT LiKE YoU Guy BuT i GuEeSeD No OnE CaRe HoW i FeeL MaYbe ThIs Is My FaTe BuT i JusT WaNt A FrIenD ThAt I CaN HaVe FuN WitH In My Dr3am I HaVe SoMe OnE Who CaRe aBoUt Me But iF I Go BacK i wLL NeVEr Come AgaIn i DI3
On3 DaY YoU`LL Lov3 M3, Th3 WaY i Lov3d YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL ThInK oF M3 ThE WaY i ThOuGhT oF YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL CrY FoR M3 Th3 WaY i CrIeD FoR YoU.On3 DaY YoU`LL WaNt M3.BuT i WoN`t WaNt YoU.
iF Love HurTs, WhY Do P3oPl3 Tak3 Th3 RisK? iF lov3 KiLLs, WhY RisK LoSiNg YoUr LiF3? iF Lov3 Is ALL ThaT WaItiNg..Th3n WhY InSiSt On SaYiNg, iT`s N3v3r To LaT3