If i could name my bond
it would be an endless song
with a fabulous tune that rhymes
Lost in those pretty precious times
The bond that no one can guess
That relates you in loneliness
Once upon a time a boy & a girl
who fell in love within their nests
Sunday, January 24, 2010
If I CouLd NamE thIs BonD...
Don'T LovE Me For PitY...
You are my lover and friend
That I have all in one
Anyone lucky like me?
All i can say is none
You never hide me anything
Including the girls you meet
You shudder my tiny heart
And you make me incomplete
UnkNowN PaiN...
I just want you to listen
To the soft whispering murmur
Of the music in this night
Where you carry my love further
May be you haven't tasted this pain
Or your's was washed like rain
The pleasure in it is sweet
The expect to end it in vain
My WalLs KnoW...
Living as a corpse
I don't know how to think
Overshadowed by my anger
Uncontrolled by little things
Loneliness speaks louder
When solitude envelopes me
No one to share my pain
Only my walls echo again
My DreAm Is You...
Inhale your deep breathe
Wish the cold wind to carry you
You should stop fearing things
You should be ready to go thru
Let your dreams carry you
Never open your eyes to stop
Dont hesitate to launch yourself
For he is your only hope
If mY lOvE...
If my love is expressed
It would be a poem in melody
Each phrase depicts my heart
Each word rhymes in melancholy
If my love is written
It would be unerased within
Nobody would smudge it's form
It will not fade in storm
WhaT Is LovE?
(gift to me, dedicated to u...)
I wake up in tear drops
that fall down like rain
Realizing you're gone
always bring back the pain
I sit by my window
and watch the day die
Hating myself
for all the tears that I cried
Am I YouR PreSent?
Look straight into my eyes
Does your heart feel content
Tell me with deep sincerity
That i am your life’s present
Right is not I always feel
But my heart utters the real
That you fake to me outwardly
Inwardly you try to reveal
Go AwaY sLeePless NighTs...
Oh my sleepless nights
Cruel demons everyday i fight
No weapons i could shield
My lonely bed is my battle field
Protecting myself by my cover
Drifting in sleep with my lover
Pillow drenched with my tears
Yet i'm envelopped by my fears
WilL You SheD a TeaR?
My tears which i hide
Unreveal my feelings deep inside
The pain that i undergo
Is worse than anyone dies
I'm falling down apart
Without a word to say
I yearn for this escape
To enjoy my everyday
NothIng WitHouT LoVe....
It seems to be wrong
But it looks so right
When sorrow lurches in
I just don't want to fight
When i give up to live
Even the almighty din't care
Never grow up to my age
With no pleasure could spare
AloNe In A MesS...
Cruel words heavier than blows
Precious secret only i know
Silent anger makes my hands fisted
Alone in bed turning and twisted
Cunning excuses along with lies
Raise many questions of whens and whys
Am I cursed or am i gifted
Not knowing what i am, blurred as mist
My PriNce...
You are my man, my handsome prince
I am the jewel in your crown
You are the sun that shines so bright
I am your moon that revolves around
You are my sky so broad and blue
I am the cloud that sticks to you
You are the river crystal and clear
That reach the ocean formed by my tears
DarKneSs FilLs My LiFe..
Darkness surrounds me each day
The reason i cannot say
It will be hard to beleive
No clue in whichever way
Darkness blindfolds me
My days are like my nights
I fumble to lay my hand
I yearn for the bright sunlight
All AloNe...
The silence in my voice
The noisy storm of my heart
The loneliness within my soul
The pure love that has no start
The path I walk with memories
Lead by my thoughts held so tight
The warmth of my shadows comforts
But my torn heart continues to fight
SilEnt MemOriEs...
Being with you in this Silent Memory
The Silent Memory starts from my breathes
Every sun rays brightens my day
Burning in love for you beneath
Those shining rays of hope i feel
Remind me the loving times in real
Even if the sky is darkened with gloom
I see you waving at me in my room
TelL Me The TruTh...
Look straight into my eyes
Show me you are happy and content
Tell me straight from your heart
That you are satisfied with my presence
Something deep within me
Strikes me a strong feeling
You are not the one i think
Your smile and blush are cheating
AlwAys At YouR SidE...
My love is at your side
This is the promise that stays
I will lend you a shoulder
When you search a place to lay
At every of your heartbreak
Whoever searches you to slay
I'll pull you to my side
And protects you whatever comes may
I PreDicTed WroNg...
Once upon a dear time
He was there for me
I thought he was mine
But clearly i couldn't see
He was far but close to me
He dominates me like a king
I cherish at his actions
For he's the cause of my living
KeeP The FaiTh...
O my darling do not be sad
Of the special times you had
Yesterday's joy in your life
Today it may turn out bad
No matter what happened has happened
The Lord was there through out
To guide you wherever you go
And never leave you without
WilL You EveR KnoW?
When will you ever know?
That you mean alot to me
You captured my heart in no time
Before i could ever see
You brought a new experience
That i can hardly find
Something i thought never exists
But it lives in my body and mind
DonT BreAK mY SouL...
Tears flowing unwillingly
But i have no guts to cry
I have to accept this moment
Instead of letting you pass-by
Though i find no reason to hold you
Even though you let me go
Cant you see i'm broken apart?
I'm slowly falling to the floor
The weapon you have is sharper
It tears my soul to tatters
I try to not get torn by it
Coz it is the words you scatter
ThE KiNd Of GirL...
I am a girl as simple as others see
Who loves as much as she can be
But who has a smile as unique as she
Whose ultimate goal; is to make you happy
Known for her beauty and her qualities
Trust her & love her with your ability
So do not doubt her even a single bit
She belongs to you; please do beleive it.
My UltIMatE DevOtioN...
You are my ultimate passion
That makes my soul melt
You make me take quick reaction
In my dreams whatever i felt
Around me it is frozen cold
I need your warmth to hold
Do not let me die in this world
Tough to survive in the whole
When I'm gripped by emotions
My tears roll down for a while
When I'm immersed in emotions
I fake all with a smile
I cannot like a thing
Nor could i get by dealing
When liking becomes a neccessity
I can only hide my feelings
EverY sMilE iS noT A sMilE...
I carry an artificial smile
Only my Almighty can know
The weep that lulls me to sleep
Yet that fake smile will not go
The tears that stained my cheeks
Never dry when wiped deeply
For it is not the simple tears
But the tears of my destiny
My Pen SpeAkS mY hEart...
Eyes, the doorway to your heart
Reflects the pain in you clearly
But what you fail to see is
Your pain has also affected me
To me you are a pillar of strength - But
The torture in your soul never ends
I pray to give me all your pains
Ready to accept my life if worsens
LisTenIng To YouR HeaRt....
Will you protect me from every harms?
And let me sleep in your lovely arms
My eyes will slowly take a naughty peep
To see if you still hold me in sleep
My safest place is in your embrace
Where I can sleep in peace & in solace
My slumber deepens as time increases
By the melodious sound of your heart-beats
DesTinEd To SuffEr...
Unlimited sorrows in my heart
Have been written for me
Not even my worst enemy
Should undergo what i see
I thought so many things wrong
Even when I became the cruel victim
That all these pains are temporary
But they don't seem to set me free
TogeTher in Th0ughTs....
Reaching for you into the air
Fumbling to touch your hands
Pull you close into my bosom
Holding you tight where i stand
Chest heaving up and down
By the rhythm of my heart race
Moving your head to this melody
Your hands wrapping my waist
YouR imAge in mY tEarS....
When I drop those crystal tears
I wonder if You feel it's warmth
They are nothing but the memories
Of your words with so much charm
Unknowingly you are the cause
Of those tears that burn my cheeks
Is it to prove that your love is fake?
Which makes me cry from days to weeks
LivIng WitH YouR MemoRiEs...
Give me a place to hide
Where i can bury my senses
Where i don't need anyone beside
And my soul will not be tensed
Like walking alone in the desert
Hot breeze burning my body
But still it din't affect me
Coz i'm protected by your memories
PassInG clOUd...
I hear you whisper in silence
That you are not what i think
The words you uttered so far
Have faded away into the sink
Lightning strikes me cruelly
The thunder deafens my soul
This sound is so frightening
Your words never played their roll
I'll WalK WitH U ForEVer...
If i have to die tonight
It will be with no regrets
As long as it is in your arms
I know i'll be the most blessed
Before closing my eyes for good
I hope to meet your lovely gaze
That will be the heaven for me
Will it come to me such state?
WithOut You...
Don't run away from me
Don't get scared in seeing
Im just a person in love
In love with all ur being
Like a girl of sixteen
I cry & laugh in my teen
I jump in joy when think of you
I'm active even i get flu
Am I SinnEd?
What mistake have i done?
I always was on the run
Letting the faith dominate me
But still I am ever shunned
Perhaps the evil is stronger
That's why his curse is realised
Although he was a bad man
Yet my fate was prejudiced
BecauSe I LovE U ...
My heart breaks into pieces
Knowing you are behind it though
But i let you continue to do
Because I love you ever so
I watch you killing me slowly
And i bear it with a glee
Deep down the pain exists
Because my love has no limits
(My 300th p0em)
When you left me crying alone
I feel i am a N0b0dy
When God doesn't want to hear me
He proved I am a N0b0dy
When i strive to be Somebody
In the end I turn out to be N0b0dy
When i breathe out the fire
It is the smell of N0b0dy
My ProMiSE...
I'm the moon in your sky
Will guard my star by my side
I'm the light to make you shine
You belong to me and will be mine
Your past left you a scar
I'm there to heal but not to mar
I don't know how did i meet you
But this bond is for life-through!
Will transform your nightmares into dreams
Will chase your fears than it seems
Will heal your wound that cuts you down
Will make the world smile at you instead of frown
You will be left with no worries
I'm there to bear all your pain
Forever i'll stretch my hand
To lift you, up with pride you'll stand
Island Of Feelings

Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you." Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh...Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name. When they arrived on dry land, the elder went her own way. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?""It was Time," Knowledge answered."Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Things WithOut You...
My DivIne LoVe...
All my life forever
I want to stay by your side
You are my ultimate soul-mate
Like the moon goes as the star guides
If the Almighty let me live
To enjoy your share & your care
There’s nothing I cannot do
Even if I have to go anywhere
I’ll shadow your sunlit face
Will forever sooth your fear
I’ll color up your world
I’ll try to hold your tear
I’ll remind you life long
That my love is sincere and true
Till I breathe the very last
My divine love is you
Why Do My LovE huRt?
I’m on cloud nine when hear you
Will I be able to see your face?
You never know how I felt
Wherever I see, is only your trace
Bearing every pain to hear you talk
My ribs vibrate pretending I’m strong
The sincere affection in your voice
Hinted that my love is never wrong
The air is tough to inhale
Your smell drives me insane
Every small thing I do
You drench me like heavy rain
This wound time can never heal
This scar is as deep as blue sea
To my eyes it seems likely
My love for you will die royally
ReFleCtiOn oF My SouL...
If my soul is transparent
It would reflect my heart
You can then know my desires
The desires more beautiful than art
My head filled with your thoughts
Helas! my thoughts you can't see
If ever that is possible
You will know what you are to me
I know one thing is impossible
You too know it's true
That you are my ideal love
None can deny this too
My days filled with hopes
My nights increase them more
That you will love me like i do
God has this for me in store
The Real Love
Wo Chand
Ek Shahks Tha Jo Muj se Bicher Gaya, Ankhon Ko Meri Mosam-e-Barsaat Soonp Kar
Walking Out
Watching you walk out of my life hasn't made me bitter or cynical about love, but rather,
it has shown me that if I wanted so badly to be with the wrong person, how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.
Forever Love =)

Sunday, January 3, 2010
The beautiful world around me
The wonderful sunset & sunrise
More wonderful when it is thru’ thee
If I am a nerve in your brain
I would know all your wishes too
Would ask to God in my prayers
To make those wishes come true
Longing for you
Holding u I imagine strong
Feeling the softness of your charm
Embracing me within those arms
Blurring my eyes by morning mist
Wetting myself by tender dews
Smelling ur fragrance all over
Seperating me from you never
Drops escaped from ur mouth
Tasting the natural sweetness
From your lips, they ooze out